The Women’s Ministry Team is excited about what is coming up for the Trinity Hills Women of Grace! We have worked hard to come up with Bible Studies and fellowship events that will honor our Lord Jesus and promote learning and fellowship opportunities with each other because we feel it’s important to go through life with you. So, whether it’s some great upcoming fellowship events or some amazing Bible studies – we got you covered and we hope you will join us!
This event will focus on knitting/crocheting scarves, blankets or whatever for those in need. Bring a skein of yarn (Worsted Weight Yarn), a size 8 for knitting needles and an “I” hook for crocheting. If you don’t know how to knit or crochet, that’s no problem. We will have experts teaching us how to knit/crochet. They’ve promised that anyone can do this. If you already know how to knit/crochet – please come and fellowship, work on your project and encourage the rest of us who will be learning!
How well do you know the Son of God? Are you convinced that what He said about Himself is true? From beginning to end, John reveals Jesus as the Son of God. Join us for an in-depth look into the life and teachings of Jesus in this 10-week class. This study uses the inductive Bible study method.
The book of Romans is foundational to the Christian life. This book reveals the answers to important questions and supplies information on many topics, such as salvation, the sovereignty of God, judgment, spiritual growth, and the righteousness of God.
If hearing God has seemed challenging, Priscilla Shirer invites you to explore a more intimate relationship with Him, one that can make hearing Him—His will, His heart, and His voice—your ongoing experience. Discover how you can listen with greater confidence, clarity, and discernment.